
How the basic books of Maguskid form firm foundations of knowledge

These books are the result of years of research and will be released soon

Becoming Great

Barefoot Genius is the foundation book of Maguskid showing how anybody can walk the Path of Greatness to become great.

The book begins with people who achieved greatness. First, their stories are written as fairy tales, so anyone can dare to dream. See if you can guess the true identities of The Ice Princess, The Girl of the Swords, The Songbird and The Warriors of the Night.

The book shows how the Path to Greatness was arrived at, including upbringing, education, apprenticeship, vocation, learning a craft, master and greatness.

It shows you how to find your vocation and take it to greatness.

Written in plain English in simple steps, Barefoot Genius can also be used to help guide a child towards a great life, or a child aged about 10 upwards, can read it themself.

We need great people to build a better world.

The Pillars of Knowledge are Words and Numbers



The Power of Words

The main tool everybody needs to succeed in life is words.

Most knowledge flows in down the highway of words.

You also need the words to be able to flow out the other way: to have a voice, to express yourself, to tell your stories, say your feelings, ask for what you seek, have successful relationships, exist in society, get a good job, make money and become rich.

To be articulate is to link words together easily. Listen to successful people in interviews. They are articulate.

This short, direct, easy-to-read and entertaining book, shows how language began and lays out the path for untangling the tangled web of the English language (which is growing larger every day) so that everybody can get the power of words.

Use the power of words to build a powerful life.

Can be read by a 10-year old.


Math Zero

The book that explains math

– with no math in it! 

A person needs to understand numbers to survive and succeed, not least with money. Billionaires understand both words and numbers. They can’t always trust the words that people say, but they know for certain that ‘numbers don’t lie’.

The trouble is most people learn numbers in an often confusing subject, called ‘mathematics’ also known as: ‘math’ ‘maths’ ‘I hate math’ and ‘I didn’t get math at school’.

Firstly, people don’t even know what math is and why they need it. In this short book Math Zero explains what math is and its purpose in plain language, with no math.

Sums have been banned!

Equations told to stay home!

Math Zero goes back to before math , shows how math developed, why it got confusing and how to simplify it.

You will laugh out loud with relief when you realize how simple math is.

There are even math jokes in the book!

You can understand math and use it to succeed not just in school, but in life.

Can be read by an 10-year old.

Knowledge Tree

The growth of an individual can be compared to the growth of a tree.

Seed Curiosity

Roots Words and numbers

Trunk Vocabulary

Branches History, science etc.

Leaves Knowledge

Fruit Vocation

Maguskid puts the fun and adventure back into learning for the individual, laying a firm foundation of basics, building a powerful vocabulary, so they can gain broad knowledge and select their vocation.

Future Knowledge

Maguskid will strip education back to its essentials and convert it into easy to read books and fun games.

These will be made available for ease-of-use as ebooks, books, readers, audiobooks, illustrated books, cartoon and comic books, dictionaries, videos, aps, computer games, courses, toys, games, exercises and more. Connect up with us now, so you don’t miss out.

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